Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ethan's lesson

Ethan’s poems were definitely hard-hitting. I felt a connection to both poems, but the second one spoke to me more. As far as a time when I have felt fear or different when in a group was when I came to University freshmen year. Coming from a small, farm community I had not been introduced to so many different types of people. Its not that I had never traveled outside of Boone county, but I never was placed in an environment so different where I had to interact. At first I thought that I would need to change my appearance or self to fit in, but I learned quickly that being myself was best. I am still different from most of my class, but I have gained many friends over the years. As I head to college I am glad to have came here and know that it will be easy to interact and make friends there. These two poems want you to be great and proud of who you are. You must excel at what you know best and stay true to your origin. There is a plan for all of us, and I can’t wait to start the next chapter in my life.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Story of An Hour

Of course we knew that Kate Chopin would never fail us in any story. Feminism and hate for the husband is always her “cup of tea”. Looking at the similarities in “The Story of An Hour” and The Awakening is very simple to see. Mrs. Mallard and Edna have not so similar qualities, but have traits that can be connected. Both are young women who resent the power of their husbands. They aim to “escape” and become “free” from the shackles that their husbands have grasped them. In the short story, Mrs. Mallard is delighted while sorrowful of the supposed death of her husband. She becomes giddy and feels that freedom has finally come to her. Edna and her only sometimes loved their husbands and the short story highlights this in Mrs. Mallard. More interesting is that both women die at the end. They both exemplify breaking points in their life where too much freedom actually takes over their bodies, and when control is reintroduced they can not handle it. The very sight of Mr. Mallard kills Mrs. Mallard. It really makes you wonder why Kate Chopin even has marriages in her stories. In the end they always end up in disaster and actually never were true marriages to begin. I have never seen such situations in my life where love never really was a part of a marriage, but yet Chopin seemed to think that’s the way it was.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tiger or Lady

Interesting is what this short story is. There really is no way to decide how the story will end. The princess is making the decision for him and one can not predict how she will choose. I would predict that the lady would be behind the door chosen for him. As the story states, the human heart leads us to make our decision. Passion would keep the princess from killing her lover out of the fact she couldn’t bare to see him viciously eaten by the tiger. Many people during class actually discussed the idea that maybe the man would kill the woman that came out of the door and the princess and man would run away together. To me, this would seem very illogical, but could happen. Love makes people do crazy things. On a side note I didn’t really care for this story. It seemed that it went on in extreme detail that was not needed. Also, the ending explanation in the story of the human heart and how it describes how she might make her decision could be taken out. It doesn’t due the reader any good, because it basically states how she will make her decision. No imagination is left to the mind.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Act III: 2

This scene of Gloucester’s unfortunate loss is very gruesome and disgraceful. No respect is shown to Gloucester even in his own home. The plucking of the eyes takes place while fighting continues and people are dying. Nothing but dramatic violence and gore is happening to cater to the storm and rage of the entire Act. This section of the novel is entirely consumed in the frustrations of the families and how all the problems are now starting to blend together. This violence brings together the rage that everyone has kept inside. It is the best way that Shakespeare could express the true emotions that the novel includes. I tend to believe that this display of violence was quite necessary for the full affect of the novel to be experienced and felt. I don’t think we could fully appreciate this work without the vile display Shakespeare creates. Graphic violence is necessary in slasher films and GTA. With slasher films the entire aspect of the film is killing, blood, and guts. It is called a horror for a reason. This type of film needs the gore for the fright factor. However, it is different with GTA. Including gore here adds the realistic affect. When such actions as killings or beatings happen in the real world blood, broken bones, and dismemberment occur. This game has felt the need to add this reality. I am not saying I support the aspect of the game, but I think the creators made a good decision in order to sell the game. Graphic violence has a place in films, games, and novels when it has to be present for the dramatic affect or to be as realistic as possible. This display is not something that should be thrown about nonchalant. Graphic violence should not be used as humor. It is a serious matter. Shakespeare used the violence correctly and made the ending of Act III memorable.

Monday, April 6, 2009


4. France: “Cordelia, my love, it has been some time since your father and sisters have seen or heard from you. What are you planning to do about the turmoil that your sisters are creating?” Cordelia: “I do not know what I will do, but I have kept close watch on all of their actions. It is terrible the way my sisters are treating my father. I hope to reach my father and let him know that I still love him and want to help him. Even though he banished me and gave away my portion of the lands, he still is my father.” France: “I am amazed that after all your father has done to you, there is still love that you have for him. You are truly a fine person.” Cordelia: “He is my father. I love him no matter what he does. My sisters should be concerned about what I am going to do to them. They have no right to be doing these things to father. He is the one who gave them everything and they would be penniless peasants without him. No man would want them either without the money land they possess.” France: “You are very wise. What do you plan to do next? Cordelia: “I think I must go to back to Britain and try to handle this situation. My father is in danger if my sisters continue on their “war path”. It is my duty to save him from their treacherous actions.” France: “If you feel you must become involved in this rubbish then do as you must. Just know that you are putting yourself in harms way. Your sisters are stopping at nothing. Cordelia: “This is my father and I can not let him suffer. It would kill me to know that I could have prevented something bad from happening to him.”


2. The actions of Goneril and Reagan are not very simple to understand or explain. In essence they are two-faced, evil women who will do anything to achieve their goals. The beginning of the novel shows a lighter and more compassionate side of the girls when they must confess their “love” to gain the lands of their father. However, we quickly see that they have no such feelings and are eager to gain the title of Queen. No one can really put a direct reason for why people act this way. Some people are just born evil and know no other way of acting than to be ruthless. To the sisters’ account, Lear is not the best father in the world. He needed his daughters to say how much they loved him and compete for his land. A normal father knows that his children love him and should treat them with the same love. Evil in people is bred into them and no one can control the path that these people take. Resentment that children have for their parents can be caused by a behavior they have seen or something that has happened to them in their childhood. Goneril and Reagan could have been treated badly by Lear and have never forgiven him or the power to rule has gotten the best of them. The relationship between child and parent is very powerful and it can be a parent’s worst nightmare or the best thing that ever happened to them. The bond that exists between child and parent is something that can never exist anywhere else. Children and parents can do many things to each other, but in the end the love still exists. The evilness of these two girls won’t prevent Lear from loving them.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Act 1: 3

The relationship between Cordelia and King Lear is quite intriguing. Cordelia is ordered to express her love for her father, but yet she has no words to describe it. Lear punishes her for not saying a word by giving away her share of the land. King Lear does love Cordelia, but he is a man of constant appreciation. He needs to hear good things about himself to function normally in his life. When Cordelia has no words to express her love, Lear becomes enraged and acts without thinking. It is this essence constant gratitude that forbids Lear to understand the love that Cordelia possesses. Lear should realize that more love comes from not having words to describe it than to have over expressed words that limit love. However, Cordelia should have “played the game” to keep her rightful inheritance. Cordelia’s purity and honesty will pay off in the end, but it has hurt her presently. I personally have been involved in a situation where you must play the game, but I didn’t give in to it just like Cordelia. I was in a class where you had to kiss up to the teacher to get the good grade that you wanted. I have always refused to play the game. Working hard to earn my grade means more to me than to obtain by pleasing someone. This specific situation showed me that grades are not always about the work you do, but I make it that way. I personally have never used this type of manipulation against someone else. It is degrading to others who work hard to obtain a goal to just give away grades. King Lear and Cordelia have a father-daughter bond that is quite different from most. Cordelia remains faithful to her father; even though, he has treated her with no respect.

Act 1: 1

Edmund is the youngest and illegitimate son of Gloucester. While Gloucester does treat Edmund differently, he does love him. However, there is no reason Gloucester should act differently around and towards Edmund. It is not his fault that Gloucester decided to have an affair outside of wedlock. Being that Edmund is not a legitimate child of Gloucester, Edmund is not treated the same as half brother, Edgar. Gloucester is ashamed of what he has done and the son that has resulted of it. We do not know the complete background on how Edmund has been treated, but any person could imagine that he is treated like a second-class citizen and less than Edgar. Edmund has taken this treatment and turned himself into someone that holds a grudge against Gloucester. He wants to usurp Gloucester and take all possessions for himself. You; however, do need to respect Edmund’s determination to make a better life, even though he is hurting others in the process. Edmund might have possessed a different attitude if had not been regarded as a mistake and not as important as his older brother. Gloucester doesn’t expose his true love for Edmund in fear that people may think he promotes adulterous actions. To the community, Edmund is a disgrace. Today, we can see the exact same type of relationship when dealing with split up families. Yes, adultery does still happen, but step children situations are more common. In several families, the child that comes from the previous marriage is not treated as an equal to one that is produced by both parents. The step child is regarded as a “reject” and does not fit with the family. These relationships are not healthy for the child and they should not be blamed or treated differently. Just like Edmund’s situation it is not the child’s fault and his/her actions can not always be blame on them.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

4) Perfect World...or not

A perfect world seems great to me. Everyone is content with their lives, no war, and no worries. However, we know that a controlled world can not always give everything that a human needs to be happy in life. John talks about how he wants the pain and suffering that real life can bring, because he knows that other “perk” come with this. Life is completely planned for all humans in this world. They can not rise above their rank or position in life. As children they are taught what they should like and what they should hate. Most parents would say that all children should enjoy reading, but this strange world actually encourages children to refuse reading. Personally I would not like to live in this time that Huxley has created. While war and pain do not exist, no real freedom exists either.
Many would argue that no war would be better than free choice in life. However, it would be interesting to see if their opinions would change if they actually had to live in that world. War doesn’t bother me enough to give up my freedom to choose my life and how I will live it. Huxley’s world predetermines all aspects of life for the humans and they never have the chance to improve their situation. On the other hand you could look at it the other way. Nobody can go down in rank. They don’t get demoted, but they can be exiled. I challenge anyone to live a life in that world and see if they could do it.

3) John and Mond's discussion

In the intense discussion between John and Mond it is clear that Mond would rather have it that the citizens of the World happy and content with the life they are presented. John has the opposite mind set. While it does seem that life would be great with no worries or issues to deal with in life, Mond’s ideal world also lacks individuality and overall goodness. John argues that while Mond may believe that people are better off with strict control in their lives, it doesn’t allow them to actually live. People need to experience deep feelings and disasters and be able to live as they choose. John believes no one can be truly happy without all parts of life; the good and the bad.
You would think that a world without danger or fear would be the most perfect place to live. However, no one can really think that it would be perfect. No freedom could exist if you wanted a life like this. You have to give up something to gain something in life, but you need to actually think if it is worth the loss. Mond would agree that all freedoms are worth giving up for a community of people that live with no cares and their life is already set out for them. He can not see that it is the individuality of people that makes the World so great. John tries to explain this to Mond, but he will hear nothing of it. It interesting though that in the end John kills himself.

2) Breaking Ties with Feelings

In Brave New World, the leaders and controllers try to eliminate the tie of feelings to human beings. Sex in our world usually is linked to deep, passionate feelings and love between both people. Humans see sex as a beautiful act that is necessary in life. Procreation is a must in life. However, in this new world and society none of this is true. Since procreation is no longer needed due to the producing of babies in labs, sex has become purely recreational. No feelings or intimacies are associated with this act. Huxley has created this new idea of carelessness in the world. The humans have no worries or pain to deal with so they can flaunt themselves however they please. There are no cares or aging during their time of work in this world. Sex, games, carelessness are very common and part of their every day schedule. As far as “ending is better than mending” goes with this notion that there are no cares. It is easier for one to end something than to fix it. No feelings are tied to any human or object so humans do not care what happens to them.
I’m sure some people would enjoy this type of life, but I know that not being able to love another human would eventually frustrate most. The non-existence of procreation is also an issue that bothers me. People are basically clones of each other and no variety exists. Life would be an interesting time at first, but in the end people would realize that life is not better this way if they were not brain washed. All may be well in the world, but they know nothing better. I would like to see which life the humans would choose if they had the opportunity.

1) Reality vs. crazyness

Brave New World has its definite elements of insane assumptions of what the World will be like in the near future. Producing babies in bottles and complete control of an entire World is completely ridiculous. There is no possible way that it could happen. You would have to destroy all human life on Earth and then start all over with just a few people. However, it would not be the same as the novel has described. People that knew of the days when freedom used to exist are still around in this novel. There were no social castes or limits on what one could learn. Brave New World brings a new discussion on what our World would become if such an event were possible.
On the other hand you can see the relation to the present day. Presently we can see that certain children are given the opportunity to excel and become leaders of the world while others do not have the ability to receive the same opportunities due to lack of funds in their family. I wouldn’t say that our government is necessarily holding them back like the novel does, but it does play a factor in the fact that the needy and less fortunate can not give their children the same education needed for them to succeed above and beyond in life. The novel intends to hold certain babies back. Our country doesn’t intend to hold people back, but they make it a challenge for those whom have little money to gain a new place in life. The novel has more unrealistic situations that our World can become than realistic ones. While it was a good read, the scenarios of the novel did seem crazy.