Monday, October 29, 2007

Socialization Process

Parrillo states some very obvious things in his writings about prejudice in America. However, he does make good points on the topic. His description of the socialization process is how “individuals acquire the values, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of their culture or subculture, including religion, nationality, and social class”. Parrillo believes that people obtain these from their parents’ expectations, economic competition, and the social norm of a group. I do believe that a lot of prejudices and beliefs are formed in these manners. As a child, you are brought up to be a certain way and you believe that way is right, because your parents have said it is. Also, being threatened in your position at work in a group can make you try and find the worst in your opponent. As for the social norm, people do tend to side with their peers or what the majority view. People get a lot of their views from what is instilled in them at an early age. Their positions may change, but it usually unlikely.

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