Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wolfson #2

Wolfson’s decision to make a clear definition of what marriage is to him is a good way to begin his article. The reason for doing this is to state up front his position on what marriage actually entails so that he can base his argument from the definition. His definition states that marriage is a “relationship of love and dedication to another person”. This definition does not mention the sexes, race, or beliefs of each person. I believe his definition is fair and simple, but in my opinion he leaves an important part. I do believe marriage is between a man and a woman. However, I am not saying that against two people having feelings for each other. This is just my personal opinion and according my beliefs. Nothing says that I am more correct than the other, but this is my belief. So, I feel that Wolfson was a bit vague with his definition.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Plane A vs. Plane B

The comparison of Dr. Horn is very good in my opinion. Each plane has good potential, but the plane representing the mother and father in a healthy marriage has the greater odds. He is not saying that single parents are terrible or don’t have the ability to be good parents. However, he is saying that the child raised in that environment has greater risk of “crashing” in society or becoming a criminal. You must not take from this opinion by Doctor Horn that all children raised in the single parent environment are going to fail in their community and society. The reason this comparison is a good representation for the facts and figures presented is because it shows that you have the choice to go on either plane A or plane B. Plane A is the more comfortable choice, and you have the greater guarantee of making it to the destination. That destination being the overall health and well-being of your children.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Vazquez reading

The reading by Vazquez is quite an eye opener. After explaining the events that have happened to men in Castro, she tells us readers that the victims were in fact straight, and one of the victims even had girlfriend with him. I think the reason she waits to tell us is because it shows that people assume too quickly about one’s sexual orientation, and they base it off the way people look and dress. The stereotypes that have come accustomed with gay people are what we look for in trying to identify that type of person. This text proves why stereotypes are wrong. The reason she tells us that the men are actually straight is to show the problems with the stereotypes and how quickly people are to judge. I don’t think that the violence is different whether or not the person is gay. I think that the violence is equal no matter who it is committed against. The felons should be punished for their crime, and sexual orientation should not be a factor in the sentencing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ex. 7- Boy

Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty; be tough about it; cussing in front of women is not good; hard times will come, but you will get through them; stop crying, real men don’t do that; never be afraid to fight for what you believe in; treat others how you want to be treated; always measure twice before you cut; pick the cookie from the cookie jar when you shoot; another day will come and the sun will rise tomorrow; be thankful for what you have; love your mother and father; respect your elders; do what you love; enjoy the life you are given, because you only have one chance at it; walk slow; keep her head up; winning isn’t everything, but man it feels good; life’s to short to sweat the small stuff and it’s mostly small stuff; be proud of who you are.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The “manly” man and the “sensitive” man are in fact complete opposites and can not be blended. The fact that the manly man stands up for his country and “offers gallantry to women” doesn’t have the same role in life as the sensitive man who sympathizes with women and is a copy of women’s emotions and interests. I feel that most men are more manly than sensitive, and I think is the way men should be. That is why there are two different sexes. Men and women balance out each other with the differences they have between them. If we had the same feelings and interests, then there would be a very plain world. However, there is nothing wrong with understanding one and other. A balanced society is good for the survival of it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Eustace Conway

The life of Eustace Conway is definitely an example of how I imagine a true American to live it. Its not so much how he acts personally, but it deals more with the way he lives in a teepee, survives of the land, and uses little resources of the modern times. When Gilbert says that Eustace is “the last American man” of course the first thing that comes to your mind is just his way of life and the “outdoorsmanship” he possesses. However, the other thing you can get from this novel is the ability that Eustace has to survive in the life he created. Many other people have come to Eustace in hopes of living this same, but they failed. Their failure is what proves that Eustace only “true” American man left. Turtle Island is his frontier and the “proving grounds” for people to test themselves. Until another person can copy the exact lifestyle of Eustace Conway in the way that lives off Turtle, he will continue to be the last American man.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville’s thoughts on gender in the United States are interesting. His statements and thoughts on America about the roles of men and women are very clear. Tocqueville believes that in Europe, men and women are equal. Some even think that men and women are like creatures. All positions and functions are equal to both sexes, and if one sex were to be put at a higher level than the other, then it would result in “chaos”. However, it is the opposite in the U.S. In fact, Tocqueville thinks that “in no other country has such constant care been taken as in America to trace two clearly distinct lines of action for the two sexes…”

According to Tocqueville, American democracy is enabling women to become more equal to men through the judicial area of the government. The honor of women is held up with great honor. A man depriving her of her independence against her will is dealt with severely. More importantly, women and men are respect each other’s part in the world, and “consider both of them [sexes] as beings of equal value. The U.S. is raising women “morally and intellectually to the level of man”.