Sunday, December 9, 2007

Progress over the weekend

I have finished my expository draft today. It feels really good to get out of the way for this week. I have about five sources to support and use as rebuttal for my paper. My writing feels good to me, and I think that I gave good information for both sides of the argument. Break is coming up, and we have to do our final of our expository during it. I feel confident in being able to get that essay done within the first couple weeks of break and have it out of the way. The rest of this week is devoted to studying for finals and getting prepared. The final should be alright. Break will be really relaxing, and it is needed.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Progress for Wednesday

Tonight’s progress was slow due to the music concert, basketball practice, and studying of other subjects. However, I did manage to search for sources that non-electronic. I think my best sources will be interviews, but books and magazines will help as well. My draft, expository essay has been started tonight. I have down a starting paragraph with a thesis statement. I am still gathering sources to accommodate both sides of the topic. I still find it challenging to find good sources against my viewpoint, but I will manage. The draft essay should be finished by the end of this weekend, and I will stick to that deadline. Next week is very busy and hectic. I need to get this essay out of the way before the start of the week. I will update more tomorrow on my progress.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Progress for Tuesday night

Researching tonight I found trouble in finding actual sources that are against my claim. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles website is a source, but I need to find a source that has more of an opinion on the issue. Also, I need search for the same type of source that supports my claim. I don’t believe it will be hard for me to find these supporting and non-supporting sources, but it will take a good amount of time. As I stated I plan on starting my expository essay tomorrow. Tomorrow night will be spent searching deeper into my topic and drafting my essay. I still have faith in being able to present a well thought out essay with a lot support. I guess I’ll just have to see how far I get tomorrow night.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Progress Monday Night

My progress tonight involved me looking up other state’s requirements for obtaining a driver’s licenses. I checked out five sites for different states. The states I looked up were Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois, and Kentucky. All five of these states stated at the turning of 16 years old, you could obtain a driver’s license if you have taken a driver learner course. Like most states I have looked at, these are learner licenses. It means that they are probationary and can be taken away quite easily. I am not challenging this statement. I believe learner programs are great and should be mandatory. This week I plan on starting my second essay by Wednesday and getting deeper into my topic. I am looking forward to finishing my essay this weekend.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

More Progress

Well, I have started to write my two-page proposal on the topic of driver’s licenses, and why we must wait the one month and one day after we turn sixteen as well as why we should wait 3 months after that to be allowed to take people under the age of 21 with us. I think several people are on my side about this topic. I believe that I will have a good amount of factual support to base my argument on and be able to persuade people in the final paper we will write. This topic affects the majority of my peers and myself. Although I am past this stage in my life, I want to correct it for the future drivers of the state. This should be an interesting journey with this topic as we proceed.