Sunday, March 9, 2008

Positive Decision by Richard

At the end of part one, I feel that Richard Wright is making a great choice. This was a positive decision for him to leave Memphis and go to Chicago. Yes, Wright did have a good job and life set for him in Memphis, but Richard wanted more and he had the hunger for writing and a better life. The South would have restrained him from accomplishing his goals. However, the white men that Wright works with do not feel he is making the right choice. They discourage him to leave and tell him that he won’t like it in the North. Mostly they are afraid Richard will achieve greater things than they ever will. To them it’s not good for a black man to become successful above a white man. I support Richard in his decision, and I believe it will be for the better.


Katie said...

I agree that Wright is making a good decision. He knew he had to get out of the South and go north or else he would have gotten into some serious trouble since he could not act how whites wanted him to. He had trouble being subservient. Also, the north was a place for opportunity and he wanted to be treated equally.

He took a great risk in going north. His life in Memphis was decent because he had a decent job working in the optical company. He was making money and he had food. He wasn't hungry. If stuff would have gone bad in Chicago and he did not find a job, then he would have been in a lot of trouble. However, he found a good job in Chicago.

$E Money$ said...

Nick, I agree that Wright is making positive decisions moving into part 2. Moving to Chicago will still have challenges, but it will allow him to do things he couldn't do in Memphis, such as becoming a successful writer. Wright does need to get out of the south and people that discourage him. Like you said, even the people who wanted him to stay wanted him to stay so he wouldn't succeed and be more successful than a white man. That is the type of thought process Wright tries to escape from the entire book.