Thursday, January 31, 2008

Class discussion on sex sells

The discussion in class Wednesday was very good I thought. My opinion on the whole topic is that yes women are demoralized by ads, and men do seek the dominant power, and yes women are in more violence related to sex then men, but I do not think that a commercial can affect the minds of men so greatly that they will react to the way the commercial wants them to behave. I am still sticking to my belief that people do not do what the commercial says. Although, I really liked Tony’s statement that society has to be shocked by the ad for them to pay attention to it. People will remember the commercial about Snickers and the two guys kissing compared to infomercials that just repeat a slogan over and over again. I do see how the women in the class are offended by the different ads presented in the article we read, but they must also realize those women chose to be in those ads. It is a job, and they must not have felt exploited by them. I believe that if it weren’t for this article we read, the majority of people would/do not talk about this on a daily basis.

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