Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl ads produced the first commercial I watched. It showed people watching the Super Bowl and talking to a guy about why he doesn’t watch the game anymore. He says he used to watch it for the commercials, but since they wouldn’t let Go daddy air theirs he doesn’t care anymore. The commercial then proceeds to tell you to go to their website to see Danica Patrick exposed. Of course people are going to flock to their website, because sex sells. Guys are like, “Yes I wanna see that”. I in fact went to the website, and I can see why they wouldn’t allow it. It was kind of crude with the references to “beaver”, but it got attention. Go daddy appealed to the audience through sexual appeal and they got people to go to their website because of it. They accomplished their goal greatly. The other commercial I liked was the one produced by SoBe Life water. A girl is walking out provocatively, and a lizard is following her. The girl drinks Life water and the lizard catches a drop of it. “Thriller” a popular song by Michael Jackson starts to play, and a bunch of lizards start to do the dance of song with the girl. It appeals to the audience not only by using a well-known song, but also like the first commercial it uses sexual appeal. The way the girl is dressed catches your eye.

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