Monday, November 3, 2008

Awakenig: 15-19

Summer has ended, and now everyone is heading home. The biggest shocker was the departure of Robert. He has decided to leave the U.S. and go to Mexico. He has said nothing to Edna about leaving and this frustrates her to no end. The two of them have created this great bond, and he never even hinted to her that he intended to leave. We see here another part of Edna’s awakening. She has started to have deep feelings for someone other than her husband, and she can not explain them.

While life has moved from the summer house to home, it is still the same routine. However, a new sense of self has come over Edna. She no longer tends to her expected duties. She doesn’t stay home and entertain guests or tend to her husband as she did. Edna spends her time drawing. Her husband disapproves of her actions and wants to know why she is not doing her duty. Once again she doesn’t know why.

You wouldn’t expect Edna to end up this way, but she let herself sink deep into an imaginary life. She makes no real progress and she constantly is changing moods while thinking of Robert. This would suggest that she intends to find him or continue to wait for his return. It is like she has stopped herself, but life continues without her. I really wasn’t expecting this all to happen, but I guess it adds a twist.


Lauren said...


I'm not sure if I see this plot change as a twist to the novel. In the previous four chapters, we learned about Edna's passion for drawing - an interest she has always had, but never developed. I predicted she would come back to this interest, however not necessarily to the extent that is portrayed here.

Edna has desires that are outside of the Creole society and she is finally coming to terms that she is her own person. Sometimes it takes going back to your old passions and being alone to find yourself again - even if that means the rest of society moves on without you.

Regardless good post, even though you did spell awakening wrong... ; ]

Alex Meregaglia said...

Hello once again Nick-

I am breaking with a tradition that I started at the beginning of last year’s AP English class, which was to comment on a different person’s blog once and only once until I’d commented on everybody in the class.

I thought it was a good idea because it would give me exposure to all different thoughts and ideas. Unfortunately, in order for me to able to do that, people in the class actually have to post their blogs! Shocking, I know, but comments are supposed to put on current blogs, not days or even weeks old. That meant that I was left with the option of commenting on yours, Katie’s, or Lauren’s, all of whom I’d already done in the previous weeks. I thought I might as well comment on the person’s blog that I share the ideas with. So I chose yours.

Oh, and with regard to your post, you’re completely right about everything you said.

I might as well keep it short, sweet, and to the point here because I’m tired from talking so much in class. I’m sure you’re tired, too!