Thursday, November 6, 2008

Awakening: 25-29

Wow, what a curve ball in the story. I never would have predicted that Edna would have three men in her life. There are many things I could say about Edna, but I would rather keep the class peaceful. While Leonce is off in New York, Edna’s thrill of being alone wears off and she longs for something more. Her actions lead her to another man named Alcee. It is not that Edna has any actual feelings for him, but it is more of a sexual attraction. He is a way for her to release her sexual tensions and physical urges.

This is however not enough for Edna. She decides to write to Leonce and tell him that she is moving. She can’t stand the large house the upkeep it has. Even though she doesn’t do anything with the house. Mainly it’s the fact that the house is a symbol that is holding her back from independence. Edna is willing to risk everything in her life for the opportunity to be a “free” woman. She thinks that she can survive on money from the tracks. A side note is that Robert is to be returning. Edna may be experimenting with Alcee, but her heart is with Robert, and the awakening of Edna is in full swing. I can’t wait for class to see what others have to say.

1 comment:

MDooley729 said...

"Experimenting" Good lord, you and Alex sound like to grandpas from the fifties. He kissed her for goodness sake and she even feels badly. I know I wouldn't! If i couldn't divorce my butthead husband who doesn't care enough about me except to order me around and some guy kissed me i wouldn't feel too bad. She doesn't like him at all in that way, i think she simply likes his attention, which NOTICE her husband is certainly not givving her. He doesn't even care enough about the family to live at home.