Saturday, November 1, 2008

Awakening: 10-14

Chapters ten through fourteen are a little more eventful, but they are not over exciting. They do show a build up in the relationship between Edna and Robert and the distance being created between Edna and her husband. More and more now, Edna is “frolicking” somewhere with Robert and her husband starts to care less and less. The swimming scene at the beginning of this section shows something once again of Edna’s “awakening”. She doesn’t know how to swim, but yet goes on out and does it. In fact she swims out farther than most women do. This is a daring thing that she does. It shows that is showing no care to limits. She is pushing herself to the edge.

While the swimming expedition may not be a life-threatening challenge, it shows confidence in herself. This new side to Edna will most likely be the reasoning for her to cross the line that she is not supposed to cross. Yes, she is being her own self and not letting others control her life; however, she is undoubtedly going to push herself too far. It is good to be your own person, but it is not good to hurt those whom you love and love you. Edna needs to slow things down before she does something that will be too drastic to correct. I guess we will just have to see what happens and the choice the Edna makes.

1 comment:

Katie said...

hey there

I think that Robert and Edna start to have a "thing" for each other and that is why he feels like he has to go away to Mexico. He doesn't want to go against the culture. Edna could have been the first women in that society to go somewhere where no woman has gone before (just like when she was swimming)which was cheating on her husband and having an affair. It does not seem like the idea scared her that much.

This section shows how Edna is starting to become a rebel and an independent person. However, it could be a bad thing like you said. She could hurt the ones who care about her (aka her husband/kids) if she takes big risks. She should slow things down and figure out what it is she really wants and figure out if she is ready to pay the consequences.

Good post!