Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pottery Barn Style

The article was pretty good in my mind. Pottery Barn seems to be doing very well, and it is booming with great strides. I personally have never been in a Pottery Barn store. I’m not sure if we even have one. We could and I just don’t know it. Celia Tejada, Pottery Barn’s Senior VP, seems to have the company figured out to a “T”. She talked about how with all of their products the board sits down to discuss them, and if they wouldn’t buy the product or give it to their best friend, the product is dismissed right away. Tejada is dedicated her job and the people who work there. She believes her co-workers should not become “workaholics”. They need to have a life.
Pottery Barn’s main competitor is Target. Tejada admitted they can not compete with Target’s prices, but they can compete with style and showing customers the total look of a product. Pottery Barn takes great pride in their customer service. They attribute a majority of their success to that.

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