Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wright's Writing

In Chapter four Wright is pressured by his family to become more religious and accept Christ as his savior. However, Richard has a different idea about religion and how much it should affect his life. His grandmother and Aunt Addie are very harsh with him about his choices with religion. He is also resisting the punishments that they choose to inflict upon him. However, the main issue of this blog is about Richard and his writing. While killing time during a prayed, Wright decided to write a story on an Indian girl. The girl died in the story. The writing had no real plot or anything, but yet Wright was still amazed and proud. It was his own and he had created it. His gratification came from the fact he had expressed himself, and there was nothing the woman could really do to him. It was his right to be creative and create whatever story he wanted. That sense of owning something made him feel happy beyond a reasonable cause.

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